so we have some news to share..

gonna play with SETE STAR SEPT, SEDEM MINÚT STRACHU, SUPRAPHON FAMILY for two days, first in slovakia, then in hungary in july. heres a flyer of the slovakian show. budapest flyer really soon, after we figure out where to place the gig to..

also, we played in a secret houseshow yesterday night, it was a fucking blast. it was on the 3rd floor, neighbours must have hated us for doing our job.. who cares anyway. we recorded the whole gig on audio, so i will put it up soon. heres a video anyway.

alsoalso, shitload of releases coming soon, from harshnoisewallgrind to spacegrind epics, if anyone is interested in it for releasing it, please get in touch. 

and last, we were interview by two zines, hopefully i can put up the texts someday if i get the actual zine and can scan the pages. 

live short and noise. cxax out.